Jan 26th, 2025: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

WORD OF GOD SUNDAY – JANUARY 26, 2025 It is often said that Catholics don’t know the Bible. Perhaps that’s because we don’t put the same emphasis on memorizing chapters and verses of Scripture the way our Protestant friends do. But that does not mean we don’t...

Jan 19th, 2025: Second Sunday of the Year C

Second Sunday of the Year C A wedding is highly significant in many cultures because, through this ceremony, society formally recognizes that a man and woman can begin to live together as husband and wife and start their family life. Weddings were likely the high...

Jan 12th, 2025: Baptism of Our Lord

Baptism of Our Lord Why would Jesus Christ, sinless, the Savior of the World, present Himself for baptism to John the Baptist, a man, in what was, at that that time, an act of repentance? Jesus was sinless, and had nothing to repent. It is notable here that Jesus’...

Jan 5th, 2025: Epiphany of the Lord

Epiphany of the Lord Today we celebrate the great feast of Epiphany. The word “epiphany” means “revelation” or “shining forth”. This feast reminds us that Jesus is not only the Jewish Messiah but the Light of the World who came to save all people. So on this day, we...