St. Martha Parish

Louisville, KY
Join Our ParishRead Our Bulletin

Welcome to Saint Martha Catholic Church

St. Martha Catholic Parish is a Christ-centered community of disciples, dedicated to inspiring people to love, serve and know God and one another. Ours is a church community of disciples living out our relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, and service.

We believe our mission expands beyond the limits of St. Martha and touches every aspect of our lives and the lives of the ones around us. Consequently, we believe that all members of St. Martha must strive daily to incorporate the message of Jesus into our personal lives and then spread that message to others.

Front flower view
Father Green Robe

Mass Times

 Monday-Friday 8:00 AM
 Saturday 4:00 PM
 Sunday 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Tuesdays 6:00PM-6:30PM

Saturdays 3:15-3:45PM 

 Eucharistic  Adoration Tuesdays 1:30PM- 6:30PM
 Holy Days 9:00AM

A Christ-centered community of disciples,
dedicated to inspiring people to love, serve and know God and one another.

Join our Church Family! We look forward to meeting you.

We invite you to come and worship with us throughout the week.

Get to know key individuals in our administration and staff.
Learn about the various ways in which you can serve our parish.
Miss church last week? Listen to Father’s homilies.

You are invited to take the first steps in learning about the Catholic faith.

Sacramental Life

The liturgical life of the Catholic Church revolves around the Eucharistic sacrifice and the seven sacraments. Click the links below to find out more about sacramental life at St. Martha.

Parish School

Come see why St. Martha Rocks!

From our challenging academics to our diverse extracurriculars to our winning sports program – come see all St. Martha School has to offer! Contact us for a tour today at 502-491-3171 or click the button below for more info

“Saint Martha, pray for us that we might serve Jesus better. Help us to overcome our distractions and worries to listen to his words and be present to him this day. Amen.”
Saint Martha is the patron saint of servants and cooks