St. Martha Sports Ministry
Our Mission
The mission of the St. Martha Sports Ministry is to promote cooperation and fellowship among the people of St. Martha Parish by:
- Organizing a sporting program that teaches fellowship, sportsmanship and fair play.
- Working with the educators of the Church and school to teach our young members of the parish our religious and moral values.
- Promoting and supporting all athletic activities for both adults and children.
- Supporting all needed activities for the betterment of the St. Martha Parish and School.
Sports Registration
Sports Registrations will be communicated through Remind, Rock Report and the Church Bulletin.
Sports Ministry Board
President Tony Waterson
Vice President Meagan Lewis
Secretary Judy Robison
Treasurer Jeff Zimmerer
Communication Director Amber Napier
Boys AD Katie Nash
Girls AD Chris Diehl
K – 2 AD Eileen Burden
Adult Sports Coordinator Nick Price
Concession Stand Mgr John Barnett
At Large Aron Flynn
At Large Tom Pifer
At Large Eddie Bratcher
Sports Ministry Fees
Sports Minisrtry fees are charged to all K-8 families with a child participating in our sports program. The annual flat fee per family is based on the number of children within your family playing sports. Fees are due in October each year and payment must be made through GameDay. The fee will need to be paid before signing your child(ren) up for the first sport of the year. Additional sport fees may be required for uniforms or equipment and will be noted on the registration.
Oct 2021 – Sept 2022 Fee: $150 for the first child and $25 for each additional child.
Sport Information
Sports Ministry News
St. Martha Sports Ministry will be offering the following sports for the spring and summer sessions.
Coed Soccer – K-8
Field Hockey – 3-8
Girls Softball – 3-8
Golf(one day event) – 3-8
We have reduced the annual Sports Ministry fee for the remainder of the school year to $75 for your first child and $15 for each additional child that will be playing a spring/summer sports. Please access Game Day ( https://gameday.loucsaa.net/login) as soon as possible to sign your kids up so we can register for enough teams with the CSAA. We need all players registered by Tuesday, March 2nd.
The dates for the seasons are as follows:
Soccer – April 5th – May 10th
Softball – April 5th – May 10th
Field Hockey – April 26th – June 12th
Golf – June 7th (This is a one day tournament only)
K-2 Spring Soccer – (Meagan is getting these dates for me).
K – 2 Sports: If your child would like to play, please register them through GameDay as soon as possible.
All Facility COVID guidelines must be followed!
The CSAA is enforcing the following COVID guidelines:
– Masks are mandatory for players except when actively warming up or during play. They must wear them when on the bench.
– Masks for coaches and spectators are mandatory
– Temperature scans taken for everyone in attendance
If your child is quarantined during the season, they cannot attend practices or games during the quarantine period.
St. Martha Sports Ministry
Concession Stand Sign Ups
2024 Fall Stand – Click here to signup Deadline: September 15th
Sports Documents
Click here to view and download documents.
Get Involved!
St. Martha’s Sports Ministry provides a very valuable ministry to St. Martha parishioners of all ages. We are looking for volunteers to build on our rocking program… We need YOU! Please email the SM Board at stmarthasportsministry@gmail.com for more information.
Ways to be involved:
- Join the Sports Ministry Board as an At-Large member.
- Take on a role as a committee member for Martha Gras, Homecoming, Golf Scramble, etc.
- Become a Sports Coordinator for one of our many, many teams -Kindergarten through adult leagues.
- Help to organize and manage the concession stand.
Stay in the Know!
Email: stmarthasportsministry@gmail.com
Facebook: St. Martha Sports Ministry – Louisville, KY
3 – 8th Grade Code: @csaasports
K – 2nd Grade Code: @smsmk12
Adult Sports Code: @stmarthaad