St. Martha Church outside view of building


Here at St. Martha we would like to make this process as easy as we can for you and your family. If you need more information please contact Tammy Fletcher in the Parish Office, 502-491-8535 or

Funeral Planning

The Parish Office works closely with the funeral home when your loved one has passed. Deacon Dan Bisig and/or another member of this ministry will meet with the family to plan the details of the service.


Pre-Planning Your Funeral

If you would like to pre-plan your funeral, Deacon Dan Bisig is more than happy to assist you. Please call the Parish office at: (502) 491-8535 to set up an appointment.


Bereavement Meal

We are happy to offer a meal for the family of the deceased. This meal is typically held after the burial in Bethany Center. The details of this meal will be discussed during the funeral planning meeting.


Bereavement Ministry

This ministry supports the bereaved families by preparing food for a bereavement meal and/or serve at meal. May also need volunteers to set up tables and chairs prior to meal. Attend Vigil and pray for departed and their family.
Time commitment: Periodically as needed