Anointing of the Sick
Finding comfort in a time of illness
The Anointing of the Sick offers prayers for possible recovery, but the more important intention is to give strength to the soul of the sick person. The Church believes that the sacrament offers a special grace to calm and strengthen the spirit. This can be of great comfort in time of illness.
Anointing Mass
The Sacrament is offered during Mass throughout the year. Check with the parish office for dates or to contact a priest for private anointing.
If you or a loved one is needing Anointing please call the Parish Office 502-491-8535 xt 121.
Questions about Anointing of the Sick
When can I receive Anointing of the Sick?
You may ask to receive the sacrament any time you are to undergo surgery under general anesthetic and when you have a serious injury or illness. Advanced age may also be a sufficient reason too.
You may receive this sacrament more than once. In fact, all Catholics of any age are encouraged to ask for this sacrament any time a new condition or surgery arises. Please contact the parish office to speak with a priest about receiving this sacrament.
When is the Last Rites?
This sacrament of Last Rites was called Extreme Unction (last anointing), not because it was the last sacrament a person received before he/she died, but because it was the last anointing that person received. Baptism and Confirmation are the first two times we are anointed.
Many older Catholics are under the mistaken impression that they can only receive the sacrament on their death bed; quite literally “Last Rites”. This may have seemed true in years past, but with modern medical advances today improving our recovery from illness, this sacrament is rightly received by anyone suffering a serious injury or illness and can be received as often as needed.