Stewardship Letter
Dear St. Martha Parishioners, We care so We share!
Jesus teaches us in Luke 12:48, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more”.
The Lord blesses us at St. Martha parish! We stand on the shoulders of great stewards who have come before us, who have entrusted us with much. Ours is a community of deep believers who are striving to honor the Lord through lives of discipleship, lives given to us by God for the purpose of learning how to serve the Lord through our care of one another. We care, so we share our talents and resources so as to build up one another and our neighbors.
I invite you to ask the Lord what His will is for you at this moment of your life. Ask the Lord to show you how you can share the gift of your talent and resources to advance the mission of our Saint Martha parish to the glory of God. Jesus has entrusted you with something special, a mission that only you can fulfill, and a contribution that only you can make.
I thank you for your prayerful exploration of God’s will in your life at this moment, and I thank you for your being a part of our Saint Martha family. May we each hear the Master say to us one day, “Well done my good and faithful steward, well done.” Peace,